Oracle databases on Kubernetes 101


Database & Infrastructure

Date and time

Wednesday, 12. October 2022., 14:30


Hall A



With the recent apparition of Kubernetes operators for Oracle, you have now the possibility to easily deploy and handle an Oracle database on a Kubernetes cluster. Why you could want this? How do you do it? Which features do those operators provide? Is it portable between the native Kubernetes cloud services offered by OCI, GCP, and AWS, and on-premises deployments?. In this session, we will explore the basics of Kubernetes, the implications of running an Oracle database on it, and test the Google ElCarro and Oracle operators for Kubernetes in GCP, AWS, and OCI.

Lecture details

Talk Attendence: Attendance in person
Level of difficulty: Detailed
Desirable listeners function: DBA , Developers , Team leader
Group of activity: Database & Infrastructure

About speaker